Sunday, June 8, 2008

Views on Internet Safety

I think that you have to be very careful about how much information you give out about yourself over the internet. There are a lot of people who will use the information that they find online to steal your identity, find out where you live, or even to get to your children. I have really enjoyed myspace because you can post pictures and all kinds of information about your life, but people have to ask to have access to your page. At least you have controll over who views your information.
I personally have not had any issues where anyone has abused my information on the internet. Although, I am just now getting familiar with all of these extra things that you can do online, so I really haven't posted very much information about myself. I am very overprotective, or at least that's what my daughter says, with my children when they are online. I am just now allowing my high schooler to have an email and myspace. The only way that I agreed to this, is if I have the log in and password to monitor her. In this day and age, I don't think that we can be to involved in what our children are doing, who they are talking to, and what their interests are.


Worth Weller said...

yes - caution is important, and your kids need to be too; at the same time, though, the media tends to be obsessed with this subject. As with anything, children need guidance and supervision, at the mall, on the playground, in the neighborhood, etc. Probably the biggest issues is not sexual predators or identity thieves, but future employers who google a prospective employee and find inappropriate web content that that person has posted.

Cori said...

So true, I wasn't thinking about about a prospective employer. I have heard a lot of media coverage about employers going on peoples MySpace and Facebook, but I guess I wasn't thinking about it within this question. You just always think of predators and identity thieves, because it so talked about.